Return to [in person] Chicago Police Board
Live reporting by Angela Arias Zapata
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The board voted 8 - 0 to suspend lieutenant Wilfredo Roman for a 180 without pay. President Kyle Cooper gave a presentation the impacts of the arbitration litigation has on the Board's work.

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Start time was 7:30 pm with 30 attendees approximately
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Board President provides updates the public on the arbitration litigation between the board and the police union
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The motions in appeals by disqualified applicants to become police officer passes
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The Superintendent of Police gives his report.
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Chief Administrator says there were 3 video releases and 12 community engagement instances.
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Public speaker 1 proposes that newly hired officers undergo extensive psychological evaluation and preparation. She shared her personal interaction with an officer 10 years ago.
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Public speaker 2 shares her concern about innocent people getting hurt. She asks that police cars show up again in school zones at specific times to deter activity that hurts people.
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The union is challenging the rulings that arbitration proceedings be open to the public and that accused officers may be suspended without pay while the arbitration case is pending
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Public speaker 5 calls for more accountability.
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Public speaker 6 says there is a need to engage in dialogue with young people and stresses the importance of mental heath support for black young men
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Public speaker 7 says it feels like officers don’t want to be in her community. When the police officers engaged as requested by the community it was positive.
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Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm