Return to Public Art for Neighborhoods Selection Committee
Live reporting by Franklin Bennett
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Regular meeting of the Public Art For Neighborhoods Selection Committee.

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Today’s agenda.
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Leigh Riley Evans,serving as the chair of the meeting today,called the meeting to order at 4:33PM.The Committee introduced themselves.
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We start today with a developer presentation by Quincy Owens for the Ridge Group’s Domino project.
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Owen’s gives a view of the property along the Monon trail were the potential murals will be.
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Owen’s introduces the proposed artwork for the murals.”They are designed to be 8 feet tall and 24 feet wide” said Owen’s.
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Owen’s goes over the incentive amount.
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Owen’s answer’s question from the board about the style of the murals,the longevity of the murals and if the murals would be obstructed from the view from the Monon trail due to a fence.
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The Committee votes on Owen’s proposal.
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The Committee voted three in favor of approval and four for resubmission.The project will be resubmitted at a future date.
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Next up on the agenda is another developer presentation by Micheal Thottichira for Milhaus Versa project.
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Thottichira goes over the location and what the proposed artwork will look like.
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Thottichira is proposing murals for both Broad Ripple avenue and Guilford avenue in two alleys.
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Thottichira says he estimates that the total cost for the project will be 70,000 dollars.
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Thottichira fields questions from the board about the project.
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The Committee will now vote on the proposed project.The Committee voted to unanimously approve the project.
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We now move to the Street Corner Canvasses Partnership requests.First up is the Garfield Park Neighbors Association and the Garfield Park Art Center.
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The proposed locations for the canvasses.
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The Committee decided to approve the locations for the canvassing.
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We now move on to old business.
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We begin with a report on the status of Public Art for Neighborhoods fund.All of the funds have been allocated according to Committee member Leigh Riley Evans.
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We now move on to an update on the Public Art for Neighborhoods ordinance change planning.Proposal No.7, 2025 to City Council was defeated in committee, 5-0.
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The Committee discusses forming a subcommittee to address Ordinance change.
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The Committee discusses the meeting schedule for the upcoming meetings in regard to the Ordinance change process.
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We now move to a report from staff liaison Julia Mooney Moore, Director of Public Art, Arts Council of Indianapolis about the status of approved developer projects.First up is a visual of a project at the Stutz that was approved.
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We now move on to PAFN Grantee Projects.The Tarkington mural was completed.
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A mural for Irvington Park is expected to be completed in the spring.
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The meeting was adjourned at 6:08 PM.The next meeting will take place on May 1, 2025, at 4:30 PM at the Arts Council office.
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Have questions? Think we got something wrong or have a story idea please contact us at @mirrorindy @indydocumenters