Return to DHC, Board of Commissioners
Live reporting by Heather Alder
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Resident council elections for The Villages at Parkside are set for mid December. Tenants from at least 3 other properties are also ready to run for resident councils, as DHC continues to focus on improving operations and engagement at its housing developments.

Heather P In The D! @HeatherPInTheD
GOOD MORNING #DETROIT !! At 10am today I am covering our DHC Board of Commissioners meeting @10a for #DetroitDocumenters @DetDocumenters & media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @media_outlier @metrotimes @MichiganRadio @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit. B Back Soon

04:42 AM Nov 21, 2024 CST

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Here is more information on the meeting-……
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And here is more information on the DHC (Detroit Housing Commission).
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**************** IMPORTANT ::::If you believe anything in the coverage this morning is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
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Our DHC board-
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Waiting for the meeting to start (notes from last meeting show call to order wss 10:15am).
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The advised they do not have a quorum yet…waiting on chair.
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Meeting called to order at 10:08
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Prior minutes approved—-going to public comments-
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Many rules about public comments- none in 1st public comment section- onto action items
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1st action item amend legal service contract with the Allen Group to increase this year contract. Not extend. ? If this is flexible to get more work.
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It makes legal services more available for more work/ all in favor. Roll call now shows all members present.
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New member David Bozier (?) Director of real estate-introduced. Next action item to approve entering into security services contract.
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? Security company and performance- Was advised this security company has supervisors who are more responses. More accountability to assure security is doing what it’s supposed to do. 8 companies applied for contract. This is not the lowest but the best for the $
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Don’t see the contract info in meeting information—/they advised it’s a walk on.
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Commissioner Williams had issues with this security company…not comfortable with a 3 yr contract. Was advised we need clauses in contracts about performance. Moved forward- approved to engage with Eagle Security Services for 3 yr contract-
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Snow removal services contract 1 yr extension- Kingsway Landscaping $300,000 with option for another yr. Some discussion on in house plowing. Advised Still not able to take on. Looking into- that’s why it’s 1 yr.
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Motion approved- Information updates now.
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They decided December meeting on the 19th of December all members agreed.
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Next info item- Residential Council engagement- elections needed this year per HUD. Initiated interest- joy enough response with flyers and postings…they are now going to sites. They have done 4 in person meeting to engage in Residential Council-they have untested people now.
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Ms. Montgomery in charge of Home Ownership endeavors-has previous experience and spoke on bringing her experiences to help.
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Discussion on collections in accounts receivable update- Reminding HUD pays even when residents do not.
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Monthly updates
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They clapped on those recert #’s! . Also proud of Rent Cafe Enrollment increase even though still not where they want it.
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More discussion on rent cafe usage and improvements in staff assisting.
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A little discussion on positions being filled by quality applicants. Brewster properties… Environmental testing- Getting new play ground and soil due to that. Pres Hosey asked more info provided on soil removed- Testing- exceeding levels but minimally. Being removed today.
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Speaker is hard to hear- sounds muffled online: discussing gardens, some demos, and applications. Also 32 sites transferring to Land Bank.
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General Public Comment time!
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1 in room comments- Mr Zachary Rowe- Exec Dir of Friends of Parkside- Discussed Parkside Bingo, Youth resources, computer classes…now certified tech hub w/city.
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Miss Cornell online - Rep Residents of Parkside- Discussing community updates- including nominations for Residents Council.
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Maybe Miss Purnell-
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Beatrice Spears- Brewster community resident and advocate. Thanks discussion on soil…lived in Brewster Douglass homes since 1989- What were #’s in soil..she’s been there for over 30 yrs. Also ? New playground
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Advised-New playground to be put in during Spring. Regarding exposure of harmful soil- Would have to consume a spoonful of soil everyday for 30 yrs to be concerned.
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No more public comments- unto Commissioner comments-
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Vice President Cowan thanked commissioners for movement in right direction to improve DHC…also welcomed new team members & offered to assist them if needed. This Work is important to us…we live this work”
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Motion to adjourn. Approved- Done 11:42am No opposed.
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That’s it! Our coverage of the Detroit Housing Commission Board meeting is concluded. Follow @DetDocumenters to get more coverage of our city meetings. And visit
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@DetDocumenters Again/— **************** IMPORTANT ::::If you believe anything in the coverage this morning is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.