Live reporting by
Franklin Bennett
Documenters interviewed voters at polling locations across Marion County.

Signs for candidates in what are expected to be hotly contested local and national races for Attorney General,President and Vice-President and Governor and LT.Governor.

Meet Tiera and Ciera Howleit, volunteering for Count US In,an Indiana based movement whose mission is to uplift the voice of citizens and foster more inclusive and equitable political participation by encouraging a larger, more diverse voter turnout.

Meet Tiera and Ciera Howleit, volunteering for Count US In,an Indiana based movement whose mission is to uplift the voice of citizens and foster more inclusive and equitable political participation by encouraging a larger, more diverse voter turnout.

A quick fact sheet about Count US In,if you would like to get involved.

Meet Roslyn Cornett-Turner,Voting Site Inspector.I asked her about voter turnout and if there have been any difficulties or challenges for voter’s trying to cast their ballots.

Meet Barbara Jones,73, I asked her a few questions about why she is voting today.

“Because I hate Donald Trump.” said Melissa Sherlock, on why she came to vote today.

“I would love to do an interview but I can’t, the feds are after me.” said a voter/volunteer who politely declined to be interviewed due to mitigating factors.

“To select who is going to run the country better.” said John Grey,27, on what is influencing his vote today.

Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Have a possible story about voting issues or intimidation? Please contact us @mirrorindy or @indydocumenters