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City Council meeting cancelled for the eclipse

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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Learn about City Council, its members, committees, and how to find your ward here -
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters On the Agenda for this evening: Public Comment, Special Resolutions, First Reading Legislation (Emergency Ordinances), Second Reading Legislation, and Third Reading Legislation. Obtain a copy of the Agenda here -……
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Here we go (without audio apparently).
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters We have audio and Public Comment begins first with B.A. from Rocky River who speaks on weapons being shipped by the U.S. Government to Israel; benefits people have in Israel that Americans do not have such as healthcare, education, etc.; and tax dollars should be spent here.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next public commenter represents New Era Cleveland in the Buckeye area who states experts are expecting "us" to have a violent summer and wants to work with city council members and Mayor Bibb on a cease fire resolution for this summer.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters New Era Cleveland……
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next public commenter is from Ward 3 speaks on demanding a cease fire; acknowledges council members meeting with some from the community to speak on the cease fire; when we say free Palestine it means free Cleveland too b/c people need food and other things.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next public commenter is ZZ from Olmsted Township representing the Palestinian Youth Movement states the ongoing genocide is creating a lot of criticism; there are a lot of hate crimes that are not being talked about; it took 17 weeks to pass a cease fire and questions CC.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Learn about the Palestinian Youth Movement here.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next public comment is James Richards who talks about the Lee Harvard master plan states he wants to speak on the non-community involvement in the Plan - wants members of the community voice heard in the new development.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next public commenter is Brenda Bickerstaff (Ward 9) represents Citizen for a Safer Cleveland who speaks on respect for Black women - speaks on a post on FB that the commission would get rid of the mayor, chief, and safety director and this is not true b/c it has to be recall.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Basher Jones (Hough) states he fought to have public comment; asks what is going on when we cannot speak on what's in your hearts; that it is sad we watch the killing of babies and cannot speak because of fear; Clev will not thrive until the eastside looks like the westside
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is Condolence Resolutions, then Congratulations Resolutions read by the Clerk of Courts.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next First Reading Legislation - Emergency Ordinance 368-2024 related to the Healthy Home Initiative; 369-2024 related to accepting funding from the federal government for assistance with emergency rental assistance program.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EOs 371-2024 related to Port Control entering into contract for services; 373-2024 related to LED Display Boards to be located near 5252 Marginal Rd.; 386-2024 related to Sustainable Renewable Contract; 387-2024 related to Residential Parking tax exemption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Continuing with EOs 391-2024 related owners of sports facilities who use a tax supported facility and receives financial assistance from the state or city.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next first reading of EOs to be passed - 374-2024 related to issuance of a permit for the Zombie Run and Lurch event in Sept.; 388-2024 related to amending Cleveland ordinances related to criminal and civil enforcement and vacant property and inspections.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The Clerk reads the motion to suspend the rules and the legislation just read be placed on final passage - and there are 15 yeas for passage.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is Second Reading EOs: 231-2024 related to grant from the OH Dept. of Educ. for the 2024 summer food service program at George Forbes; 315-2024, 316-2024, 317-2024, and 318-2024 each related to issuance of bonds to refund certain city debt; 319-2024 related to debt.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Fifteen (15) council members vote yea in support of suspending the rules and placing the Second Reading EOs on final passage; and legislation is passed with 15 yeas.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next there are no Introductions, no Announcements. There will not be a meeting on April 8 due to the eclipse and Blain Griffin, council president encourages people to go to councilman Michael Polensek's (Ward 8) meeting on Wednesday for updates on road closures and other info
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Polensek states anyone wanting information on plans related to the eclipse and 52 cadets who were recently seated.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Kris Harsh (Ward 13) who speaks on building a stadium under the lake; and requests employees be given the opportunity to go outside to see the eclipse because there will not be another one for 70 yrs.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The meeting is adjourned and the next meeting is April 15, 2024. Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or tweets to @cledocumenters or email us at