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Live reporting by William Garcia
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Local School Council (LSC) Training, LSC Advisory Board Vacancies and LSC Disempowerment

Bill Garcia @BillGDocumenter
Hi, I'll be live-tweeting this evening's Chicago Local School Council Advisory Board meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters

05:39 PM Sep 19, 2022 CDT

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There are two agendas for this evening's meetings, starting at 6:00pm.

6:00pm: LSCAB Organizational Meeting -…
6:30pm: Regular Meeting -…
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The meeting is called to order at 6:04pm. Roll is called, establishing a quorum.
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Kishasha Williams mentions that the meeting must be recorded (they start the recording).

It's a little difficult to hear Tom Gray, and it seems he might be having sound issues as well.
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Meeting minutes are approved by the board.
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Director Williams provides some opening remarks.
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No old business
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The board passes both items regarding vice-chair and secretary elections. Ursula Taylor will be joining the board.
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The outgoing Eva Rodriguez thanks the board for their support.
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Michael Brunson raises concerns over LSC disempowerment and the resulting negative effects on schools.
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Brunson also says too many people are not receiving and completing LSC-related training. He says he's attended meetings in which principals don't understand how LSCs work.
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Public participation: An LSC member asked what exactly this advisory board does. Director Williams says the LSCAB represents LSCs across the city (6 regions) and advises the Board of Education.

More info:…
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This concludes public participation.
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The board is reminding this first meeting is to establish officers, and the regular board meeting is to follow.
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First meeting adjourns at 6:29pm.
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The regular board meeting immediately follows. Roll is called again, establishing a quorum.
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There are currently 5 vacancies on the 15-member LSCAB.
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Board approves the agenda.
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The May minutes were not prepared in time for this meeting (there was no June meeting). It seems the board didn't have a secretary for May.
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Director Williams provides her report. Williams says she wants to fill all five LSCAB vacancies at once.
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Williams says 49.7% of candidates that won seats on LSCs are brand new.
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Israel Flores asked about more in-person trainings, and Williams says she will look into it. Gray asks when in-person board meetings will begin again. Williams says that, under the disaster declaration, the Chair can decide.
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Brunson asks if the vacancies will be filled by election or appointment. Williams says she will be making appointments.
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Araceli Armour is asking how to find out if LSC members are compliant with trainings. Williams says there is an LSC dashboard with training data and that principals have access to the dashboard.
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Newly-appointed vice-chair Vince Sanchez has joined the meeting.
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Public participation will begin now.
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1. Inquiries about who decides and when to return to in-person meetings
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Gray is having trouble hearing the public speaker, so the question isn't really answered. It seems Williams will take care of getting an answer delivered.
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Old business: None
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Froylan Jimenez voices support for having a health-centric subcommittee,
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New business: None.
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The meeting adjourns at 7:11pm.
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This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters

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