Criminal Justice

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
6:00 p.m. — 8:30 p.m. EDT

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3631 Perkins Ave Cleveland, OH 44114 (Directions)

Community Police Commission office, 4th Floor (or watch on YouTube)

The Cleveland Community Police Commission (CPC) was established in 2015 as part of the terms of the Consent Decree between the City of Cleveland and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Following an investigation, the DOJ determined there was a pattern of excessive force used by the Cleveland Division of Police (CDP). The Consent Decree outlined the work that needed to be done so CDP policies, practices and procedures comply with Constitutional law.

Cleveland voters approved amendments to the city’s charter in 2021 that gave the CPC final say over police discipline. Learn more about the CPC with this explainer from Anastazia Vanisko:

Commission members

  • John Adams, co-chair
  • Sharena Zayed, co-chair
  • Shandra Benito
  • James Chura
  • Audrianna Rodriguez
  • Teri Wang
  • Charles Donaldson
  • Kyle Earley
  • Alana Garrett-Ferguson
  • Cait Kennedy
  • Gregory Reaves
  • Jan Ridgeway
  • Piet van Lier

Watching remotely?

Watch the livestream on the CPC’s YouTube channel:

Attending in person?

Reminder: we add two hours of pay ($36) to the assignment.

Find past Documenters coverage of CPC meetings here:

Public meetings will begin with a public comment period.

NOTE: This meeting can run 2.5 hours.

More background on the CPC

The CPC was mandated under the Consent Decree to provide community input on needed policing reforms from the many diverse communities in Cleveland:

  • Faith-based organizations
  • Civil rights advocates
  • Business/philanthropic community
  • Communities of color
  • Advocacy organizations
  • Academia
  • Youth and student organizations
  • Homeless
  • Those with mental illness

CPC Commissioners consist of individuals that represent the diversity of Cleveland and a representative from each of the following police associations: The Black Shield, Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and The Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association (CPPA).

The CPC works to empower the community’s voice in the reform process. It works with the community to develop reports and recommendations on ways police policies can better reflect community values. Better policies will help ensure policing in Cleveland is safe, effective, and that people’s civil rights are upheld.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Live reporting by Stesia Swain

Commission members debate manual for reviewing police discipline cases

IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_
Good evening! My name is Stésià and this evening I will be tweeting live coverage of tonight’s Cleveland Community Police Commission meeting held at 6:00 pm. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland

05:11 PM Jul 24, 2024 CDT

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Before beginning I will share a small portion of background on the Commission and its purpose and/or duty to the community. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland 1/2 The Cleveland Community Police Commission (CPC) was established in 2015 as part of the terms of the Consent Decree between the City of Cleveland and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Following an investigation, the DOJ determined there was a pattern of excessive force
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland used by the Cleveland Division of Police (CDP). The Consent Decree outlined the work that needed to be done so CDP policies, practices and procedures comply with Constitutional law. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Cleveland voters approved amendments to the city’s charter in 2021 that gave the CPC the final say over police discipline. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 6/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland There is a bit of back of forth regarding adding motions to the agenda. Because of the amount of back and forth between the commissioners I am a bit unclear on what this motion addresses. I will attach the link to the meeting to add a bit better clarity and context.
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland The current motion being discussed passed and 7-5 and will be added to the agenda. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland This meeting is being live streamed! To view this meeting click here:…
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 9/41
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 10/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland I will attach the full agenda. This is the draft that I have received prior to the meeting. If any changes are made I will update this thread with that material. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 11/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Common meeting practice is shared amongst the commissioners. Commissioners are asked to follow these rules in hopes to have a smooth outcome for this meeting. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 13/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland The first public commenter is sharing the opinion that the Commissioners are not fully committed to the rules of their meetings. The commenter feels that the Commissioners are not sticking to their own rules. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland The commenter shares the experience of being publicly engaged with in a negative matter at a previous meeting by another member of the community. The commenter says that the commission did nothing to aid in the situation. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Now is time for the Co-Chair report by Co-Chair Adams. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland A notable moment of the Co-Chair report is the mention of redacted reports. Co-Chair Adams shares that the DOJ has offered to assist in any event that redacted information in reports is a hinderance to the work of the Commission. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 17/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Commissioner Teri Wang is raising concerns that are difficult for me understand and convey. All that I am able to decipher is that an opinion was given by Griffin, the Legal Director of the City, at Commissioner Wang’s request. There has not been much descriptive context given.
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 19/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Two new positions have been filled. A full introduction of these individuals will be given to the public at the August Full Commission Meeting. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 21/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland There is a bit of discussion concerning the Finance Department denying the Commission of funds that have already been appropriated to the commission. The commission has been denied the opportunity to use personnel funds for operations or part time employees. #CLEDocumenters
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 22/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Commissioner Wang asks if documentation can be given out to explain this in more depth. It is said that this is not the first time that the Commissioners has been denied access to funding. Updates are said to be given as they are available. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 24/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland What is currently being discussed is the evidentiary draft. Here is the link to this document.…
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 25/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Commissioner Wang shares the opinion that a certain part of this document is more so in favor of the Police Officer than the petitioner. Due to back and forth and not much context being given, I am unable to highlight the exact issue that Wang is highlighting. #CLEDocumenters
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland After a comment made by Commissioner Wang referring to the Commission’s Attorney as having a master and later “serving two masters” a disruptive disagreement erupts between Commissioner Wang and Co-Chair Sharena Zayed. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland As i do not want to incorrectly summarize this portion of this meeting I will attach video footage. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 29/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Commissioners Wang and Benito strongly disagree on the topic of the removal of the commission’s outside Attorney Mark Wallach. Because this point of the discussion is again very back and forth I will utilize video clips. Commissioner Benito is in favor of it while Wang is not.
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 30/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland I will now attach video to add more context to this very complex meeting. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 31/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Benito feels that Wang is inappropriately using her communication in private with Attorney Wallach. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 33/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Wang alleges that Benito is “attempting to take over the commission”. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 35/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Co-Chair Adams mentions adjourning this meeting. Co-chair Zayed agrees and says it will adjourn after public comment. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland There are only portions of this meeting that are able to be clearly summarized as this meeting does not follow the agenda. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 38/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Rosie, a public commenter shared the opinion that Commissioner Wang does not follow the laws of engagement as a commissioner. Rosie double down on the topic of Wang having inappropriate outside conversations with Mark Wallach. #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
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IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 40/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at
IG: @stevelilsister 🤍 @stesiaarie_ 41/41
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland As always, thank you for tuning in! Have a successful remainder of the week and see you next time! #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland

Agency Information

Cleveland Community Police Commission (CPC)

See meeting notes for details

(216) 505-5920

Facebook page

See Documenters reporting

Watch the livestream on the CPC’s YouTube channel:

The Cleveland Community Police Commission (CPC) was established in 2015 as part of the terms of the Consent Decree between the City of Cleveland and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Following an investigation, the DOJ determined there was a pattern of excessive force used by the Cleveland Division of Police (CDP). The Consent Decree outlined the work that needed to be done so CDP policies, practices and procedures comply with Constitutional law.

Cleveland voters approved amendments to the city’s charter in 2021 that gave the CPC final say over police discipline.

The CPC was mandated under the Consent Decree to provide community input on needed policing reforms from the many diverse communities in Cleveland:

Faith-based organizations

Civil rights advocates

Business/philanthropic community

Communities of color

Advocacy organizations


Youth and student organizations


Those with mental illness

CPC Commissioners consist of individuals that represent the diversity of Cleveland and a representative from each of the following police associations: The Black Shield, Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and The Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association (CPPA).

The CPC works to empower the community’s voice in the reform process. It works with the community to develop reports and recommendations on ways police policies can better reflect community values. Better policies will help ensure policing in Cleveland is safe, effective, and that people’s civil rights are upheld.


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