Return to Detroit City Council Formal Session, 10:00am
Live reporting by Kayleigh Lickliter
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Spirit of Detroit Award to Orlando Bailey. Public mad about DDOT bus cuts, FBI probes, contracts approved in recess

Kayleigh Lickliter @kayleighrenel
Good morning ! ☀️🎉

I’ll be live-tweeting the Detroit City Council Formal Session meeting today at 10:00am for #DETdocumenters.

@media_outlier @Detour_Detroit @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @DETdocumenters

08:31 AM Sep 7, 2021 CDT

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There are 4 ways to attend today’s meeting 👇🏼

Attend via ZOOM:…

Watch online (click Channel 10):…
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Watch on TV:
Comcast Channel 10
ATT Channel 99 (select Detroit then Channel 10)
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And last but not least👇🏼
Attend by phone using any of the below numbers:
(Meeting ID: 330332554##)

+ 1-929-436-2866 +1-312-626-6799 +1-669-900-6833 +1-253-215-8782
+1-301-715 8592
+1- 346-248-7799
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The agenda for today’s meeting can be found on the City’s website 👇🏼…
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Annnddd the meeting is called to order at 10:02am.
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Council President Jones said that before prayer this morning, they will have to vote on the first item from the agenda.

The resolution authorizes City Council to continue meeting remotely through December 31st, 2021. And, it was unanimously approved ✅
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Reverend Dr. Tellis Chapman is offering prayer this morning
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President Jones is presenting a Spirit of Detroit award to journalist @orlandopbailey - 2021 Michigan Emmy Award winner 🎉👏🏼
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Michael Curtis introduced Mr. Bailey, sharing his accomplishments and work.

To learn more about Orlando Bailey and his work, check out his website 👇🏼
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@orlandopbailey is present to receive the Spirit of Detroit award. Among the people he expressed gratitude for is Council member Andre Spivey. He said he wouldn’t have been a German Marshall Fund Fellow without Mr. Spivey’s letter of recommendation.
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Council President Pro Tem Mary Sheffield & Council member Spivey expressed their appreciation for Mr. Bailey’s work and congratulated him on his accomplishments.
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There was some confusion over the parliamentary rules for a quorum at the beginning of the meeting.

Dr. Powers clarified the rule and read the language aloud. It says that council members’ remote presence requires video + audio connection.
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President Brenda Jones is honoring the rule as council members being present by video with an audio connection - not unmuted. Council members AND Dr. Powers have shared similar thoughts about the need for defined rules for audio connections.
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The journal from the last session is approved, to be received and filed.
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Note: there were several contracts that were previously approved through Recess Procedure, this makes up for about 1/2 of the agenda today.
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Line items #2-61 were previously approved through Rules Procedure. These items were formally received and filed.
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Line items #62-143 are referred to Standing Committees, as noted on the agenda.
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There are no voting action matters or communications from the Mayor’s office today.
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🚨👉🏼 Public Comment! 13 people are present to comment this morning.
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1. Mr. Cunningham - commented about the cutbacks to public transit and provided info on how to provide input to DDOT. Expressed appreciation for President Jones’ allowing 2 minutes for public comment today.
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Council member McCalister Jr. responded to Mr. Cunningham and said that he’s been in contact with union representation for bus drivers and he thinks it will come down to a court order to get some of the drivers back.
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2. Was not connected at time.

3. Ruth Johnson - said that federal stimulus money is a great opportunity for community programs/projects but believes that community engagement is important. She shared their website for more info
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Council President Jones responded to Ms. Johnson and said she isn’t sure what will happen at the 2:00pm Committee of the Whole Meeting but to “stay tuned” for the meeting.
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Note: @DetDocumenters will also be covering the Committee of the Whole meeting at 2:00pm. Follow them for more updates! 🎉
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4. Virginia Park Community - discussed issues with side lot purchases and community developments, expressed appreciation for Council’s work and support
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5. Keith Sweat - said it’s clear that Council member Ayers, Benson and Spivey have done something wrong and will be going to prison
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6. Expressed frustration with DDOT service cuts, especially longer wait times as we approach winter. Says it’s important that the public understands how DDOT is spending federal funding.
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7. Said she found out that the City wasn’t informing residents ahead of the speed humps program, noted that President Pro Tem Sheffield has also expressed frustration over unwanted speed humps. Urged Council members to oppose the North End Landing development
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8. Ms. Carter - also addressed DDOT service cuts. She said that a lot of her coworkers at McDonalds are low-wage workers and utilize public transit. Asked how they’re getting info out to the public about service cuts.
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(8. cont’d) also asked how they’re going to transition people from using public transit services.
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9. Mr. Boyle - said he isn’t sure how the Rules Procedure works but noticed the amount of contracts that were approved during Recess. Also concerned about public transit issues and the impact on Detroiters
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President Jones asked David Whittaker to answer the question about Recess Procedure. The contracts are available to the public. Council members have a week to review/request a hold on specific contracts, and the public can contact a council member to request a hold.
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The hold is placed until Council formally reviews the contract upon their return from recess
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10. Concerned with the DDOT service cuts.

Council member Benson said that they are working on scheduling with Mr. Oglesby to have him discuss the service cut issues in Committee.
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11. Their concerns were not clear but he expressed frustration with Council members and a need for community activism.
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12. Pastor Robert Harris - his connection broke up while he provided public comment. From what we could hear, he discussed issues with FEMA claims.
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President Jones said if he wanted to, he could sign off/sign back in and they’ll allow him to comment if his connection is clear.
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13. Asked if there was a list to reference the salaries for employees in city departments/authorities. Concerned with DDOT service cuts. Also said she feels their needs to be insurance for the bike lanes, because if she hits them - her insurance is going to go up.
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Written public comment - requested the suspension of council members of Benson, Spivey and Ayers until the FBI corruption investigation is concluded, noting that 2 years went by before a formal council member was federally indicted which left the district w/o representation
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The written comment was from Damico Williams, representing Hydrate Detroit.
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President Jones asked Mr. Whittaker to address the written comment.

He said that as all American citizens have, council members have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
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Mr. Whittaker said that to his knowledge, no charges have been federally filed and their conduct hasn’t been exhibited to suspend them from their duties as council members. Christina Kennedy with the Law Dept. said she doesn’t disagree with what Mr. Whittaker said.
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👉🏼 Moving forward

Council President Jones announced that there is a meeting September 14th at 10:00am for a discussion on the response to the June flooding events. (Not sure if it’s on city calendar)
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👈🏼 Pastor Robert Harris returned to finish his comment after his connection was lost.

He continued to discuss issues with FEMA’s response to damage claims. President Jones noted the meeting about flood response efforts next week (see previous tweet)
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Moving forward 👉🏼 Council member Tate said that he felt very safe when using the bike lanes recently. He does think they need to ensure they’re cleaned and free of debris. He referred to Council member Benson to say he has joined the “bike life”.
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Council member McCalister Jr. said it’s good to be back and commented about revitalization efforts in his district. He noted an upcoming bike ride and welcomed Members Tate and Benson to join.
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McCalister Jr. echoed concerns regarding FEMA claim denials, specifically what will happen if people’s claims aren’t approved and said he’ll be sending out a memo to that regard.
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Council member Castañeda-López shared info about an event on the 18th at 11:00am-3:00pm. Expressed appreciation for community help to set up pop-up locations to assist residents with their flood claims.
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Council member Benson shared info about the “Tour de Troit” bike ride on the 18th.

More info 👇🏼…
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Council President Pro Tem Mary Sheffield shared info about her community discussion and virtual office hours. She also thanked everyone involved in the recent backpack event.
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President Jones shared info about the status of vaccines in the city, encouraging residents to get vaccinated. She also welcomed the public to attend the Committee of the Whole meeting at 2:00pm today, noting community benefits will be discussed.
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Jones also shared info about various community events - including a hiring event and the community discussion about flooding response efforts.
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With nothing further on the agenda for today, the meeting is adjourned is at 11:54am.
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This concludes the Detroit City Council Formal Session meeting for September 7, 2021.

For more meeting coverage, check out 👇🏼🎉
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More info on FEMA flood assistance 👇🏼🚨 deadline is a week from today!
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Info about the Community Preparedness Survey 👇🏼

🚨 Detroit residents can provide input until September 30th, 2021