Return to Committee on Budget and Government Operations + Subcommittee on the Chicago Recovery Plan
Live reporting by Christian Gentry
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Assistance to families, Small business relief, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, Universal basic income pilots

Chris Gentry @TheChrisGentry_
Hey y'all! Its that time of the week again, today I’ll be live-tweeting today's Chicago Budget Committee meeting for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters

09:42 AM Jun 15, 2022 CDT

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@CHIdocumenters The meeting gets started in about 20 minutes. We will be working through some revisions to the 2022 budget, as well as discussing some small business needs in the subcommittee on the Chicago Recovery Plan
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@CHIdocumenters If you want to look at the 2022 municipal budget (which is a doozy) you can find it here…
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@CHIdocumenters Alderman Dowell starts the meeting, says that we are waiting for a quorum before we will get going.
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@CHIdocumenters As of 10:05, Alderman Dowell calls the meeting to order

21 members are present giving the committee a quorum.
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@CHIdocumenters The only item on the agenda is an amendment to the budget ordinance specifically related to Fund No. 925 for the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection
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@CHIdocumenters A substitute ordinance is introduced and officially substituted.
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@CHIdocumenters Latoya Vaughn Deputy Budget Director is up to present on the ordinance amendment. She explains that the ordinance change is around $6m in money moving around.
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@CHIdocumenters One of the changes is the Department of Public Health is looking to reallocate $5.2m from the Covid vaccination program's federal funding to their vaccination outreach program.
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@CHIdocumenters Another change would move $6.9m of federal housing money to the housing assistance block grant for housing repairs.
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@CHIdocumenters There are no questions on this, and the substitute ordinance passes.
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@CHIdocumenters As of 10:15, the meeting adjourns.
The subcommittee on the Chicago Recovery Plan begins in 15 minutes
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@CHIdocumenters The Subcommittee on the Chicago Recovery Plan has been called to order.
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@CHIdocumenters There is no speakers for the public comment section, though the Chicago Rehab Network did submit written testimony which has been sent to members.
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@CHIdocumenters Vice Chair Martin introduces the meeting. He explains that there are 13 subject matters, each meeting will have 2 topics and will track the Chicago recovery.

This meeting will cover
-Small Business and Workforce Support
- Assistance to Families
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@CHIdocumenters Martin asks the panel to introduce themselves.

Ivette Trevino, the Little Village CoC ED is first:
She explains that LV is the second-largest economic area in the country and contains over 1000 businesses.

She explains that the Latino business community has taken a hard hit
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@CHIdocumenters She explains that small business resiliency loan fund as a part of the recovery plan was the largest such fund in the country and supported over 900 businesses.
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@CHIdocumenters She explains that many of the other programs during the city recovery plan such as the restaurant grant, and outdoor dining support were a lifeline for small businesses throughout the city and especially in LV.
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@CHIdocumenters She also says that the main challenges for the grant system was language barriers, immigration issues and technology problems.
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@CHIdocumenters Rhonda McFarland ED from Quad Communities Develop Corporation is up
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@CHIdocumenters She explains that QCDC supports around 200 businesses through securing tenant spaces, 1:1 support, and access to capital.
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@CHIdocumenters She asks the committee to look towards reimbursable grant programs, or up front grant programs to allow small businesses access to funds without barriers.
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@CHIdocumenters She encourages the city council to find programs to encourage landlords in parts of the city where rental costs are rising or where vacancy rates are high to rent below market rate to small and minority-owned businesses.
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@CHIdocumenters Next up is Vanessa Stokes who is the admin of SSA-72 and SSA-7. (For a primer on Special Service Areas take a look here…)
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@CHIdocumenters She talks about the pop-courts(…) which are looking to create economic development using vacant lots in West Garfield Park.
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@CHIdocumenters Harish Patel the Director of Economic Security Illinois is up. He thanks the city for their support of the guaranteed income plan. He highlights that the city did a great job making the application process simple, and led to 170k applications.
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@CHIdocumenters He says that it is clear that there is a high demand, and that most of the families that applied will not get their support.
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@CHIdocumenters He urges the city to make the UBI program permanent, to expand and make permanent the cities financial support outreach program, and for the city to make a one-stop-shop benefit site.
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@CHIdocumenters Arturo Carrillo, the Director of Art and Violence Prevention at the Brighton Park Neighborhood Council is next on the panel.
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@CHIdocumenters He encourages the city to not "return to normal". He says the city should not forget when the city council gave Mayor Lightfoot the ability to spend covid money and she spent 60% of the funding on the police, while giving less than .1% to family support and community orgs
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@CHIdocumenters He says it is of vital importance to look at what the money was spent on in the 2022 budget.
He says that covid spending failed as it didn't fund mental health, housing, or infrastructure.
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@CHIdocumenters He says that despite majority city council support, the Mayor refused to reopen closed mental health facilities, which would cost $10m, though she spent $12m on a gas card system.
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@CHIdocumenters He extends his points by talking about the struggle for housing in Brighton Park, he says that the city needs tougher regulations on landlords, a free tenants legal assistance site, expansion of rental assistance programs, and a rent stabilization program.
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@CHIdocumenters Last on the Panel is Krysten Emanuel from Start Early.
This is a program that provides early care and education assistance.
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@CHIdocumenters She talks about the struggle that early education is facing due to a lack of staffing caused by an increase in educational requirements.

She calls for an increase in the early childhood education workforce scholarship as well as for an increase in compensation for workers.
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@CHIdocumenters Next up is Susie Park from the Office of Budget and Management. She is here to provide an update on city programs related to the recovery.
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@CHIdocumenters She highlights that all materials, links, applications etc for the Chicago Recovery Plan can be found at
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@CHIdocumenters The recovery plan was a 3-5 year program worth $2.5bn.

Around $1.3bn was for essential city services, and $1.2 for various recovery programs.
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@CHIdocumenters She highlights that
$245m of funding is in RFP
$836m is obligated/paid

This leaves $1.4bn reserved for future years and programs.
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@CHIdocumenters She explains that the OBM is working on a report on delegate expenditure as well as a breakdown of spending by priority and initiatives.
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@CHIdocumenters Commissioner Cox and Deputy Administrator O'Connell is up
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@CHIdocumenters He is breaking down the recent RFP releases.
1. The POP program (public outdoor plaza) to create public community zones in neighborhood commercial corridors

These would be in West Garfield Park, Chatham, Austin, N Lawndale, Bronzeville, Uptown, Woodlawn and Humbolt
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@CHIdocumenters 2. The Corridor Ambassador Program: This is a program to train community ambassadors who are a visible presence in neighborhood commercial centers.

They will work with CPD, CPS and DFS to develop their presence in communities.
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@CHIdocumenters The Ambassador's have been hired and trained and are out and rolling as of this month
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@CHIdocumenters 3, Storefront Activation Program: This is a program still in the concept phase to try and develop a way to boost foot traffic to commercial corridors with high vacancy rates.
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@CHIdocumenters Next up is Commissioner Knazze from DFS. She is here to talk about the Chicago Resilience Community Pilot, which is the $35m pilot for cash assistance.
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@CHIdocumenters $30m of the money will go to 5,000 low income families who will receive $500 a month for a year.
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Edit $31.5m,
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@CHIdocumenters In order to be eligible families must be up to 250% of the Federal Poverty Line and have economic hardship relating to Covid-19
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@CHIdocumenters She highlights that the city selected 13k people randomly, of which 5k will receive the money, with the remainder being the control.
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@CHIdocumenters The majority of the applications for the program came from the south and west side of the city. The city got 176k applications.

46% of the applicants were black
23% were latino
15% were white
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@CHIdocumenters 64% of the applicants were caregivers, and 76% of the applicants were renters.
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@CHIdocumenters Next up she is talking about the 211 system. Chicago is the only city that does not have a 211 program.

A 211 system is a central location for human and social services. The city has budgeted $5m for the first few years through 2024.
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@CHIdocumenters Next up is Matt Quinn from the City Water Management, talking about the city water reconnection program.
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@CHIdocumenters The program would connect around 1800 locations around the city whose water supply was disconnected.
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@CHIdocumenters This program would help homeowners with needed water-related repairs not covered in other programs
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@CHIdocumenters This project is still in the procurement phase.
in order to diversify vendors, the program would be divided into 4 districts to utilize multiple vendors.
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@CHIdocumenters Quinn says the goal for the water reconnection project is to start Q4 2022.
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@CHIdocumenters Alderman Dowell is asking about what sort of support services are given to the 5000 families as a part of the UBI program.
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@CHIdocumenters Knazze says that all those who are not selected are directed to existing city services. She also clarifies that the way UBI works is that support services like financial literacy are not mandatory, though they will be offered.
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@CHIdocumenters Ald Hairston is up.
She asks for info on who is running the rent relief program.
Knazze says that DFSS is running a rental assistance program which has spent 10m/14m.
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@CHIdocumenters Knazze says that the Rent Relief program was through All Chicago, not the city, and that program has since closed.
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@CHIdocumenters Ald. La Spata is up. He asks about the Storefront Reactivation Program. He asks for how the alderpeople can prepare their commercial corridors for applications.
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@CHIdocumenters Nina Idelmudia who is helping to manage the program is up. She says that the overall idea is set, but there is no detailed application that has been created thus far.
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@CHIdocumenters She says that the more information/partners/community support you have the more likely you will be to rank high on the scorecard.

She says that the city will come back to the committee once the application process is set up
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@CHIdocumenters Ald. La Spata says that TIF and SPIF funding could be used to expand and develop programs such as the Storefront Activation Program into a broader program.

He asks if there was any though on reopening SPIF applications.
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@CHIdocumenters Comissioner Cox says that he would love to come back to city council to get more resources where the city found a higher demand than expected for SPIF
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@CHIdocumenters Ald La Spata says that he thinks a reauthorization grant would find a lot of ground in the city council.

He also asks Knazze for the demographic breakdown of the control group. He says that he is fearful that the control group will contain a fair bit of suffering people.
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@CHIdocumenters Knazze says that she doens't have demographics for the control group but says that she can provide it through the chair later.
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@CHIdocumenters Ald Austin is up. She asks about if any of these programs tie into existing services like weatherization.

Knazze says that the program for weatherization is not administered by her department, but that their outreach sites refer folks if they need to the weatherization program
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@CHIdocumenters She also asks about if Commissioner Cox has thought about utilizing vacant schools for homeless or veterans homes.
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@CHIdocumenters Commissioner Cox says that it is much more feasible to activate specific portions of a school site like the cafeteria, gymnasium etc, and not require renovating a whole school.

He doesn't have a specific plan, but says that he wants to work on a pilot related to this
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@CHIdocumenters Ald Austin asks if there is an overlay with the DoT for any sort of constructions to prevent any sort of conflict between road tearing up.

Quinn says that they are in contact with DoT constantly.
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@CHIdocumenters Ald. Curtis up. Is says that he is following 2 Chicago Recovery Grant for restaurants in his ward and that he has struggled to get a contact from the city on them.

He asks if folks who apply will be able to know if they are accepted, and if not if they will be given a reason
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@CHIdocumenters Ald Sigcho Lopez is up.

He says that he thinks that the water reconnection plan is critical, he says that many families also have issues with water debt and meter installation, He asks if there is any room for work on those issues.
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@CHIdocumenters Quinn says that the Department of Water Management has been and continues to work with the Department of Finance which would help customers enter into billing relief. He says that the city will waive past debt often
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@CHIdocumenters Ald Sigcho Lopez next asks about the rapid housing program. He asks what the allocation is and if there are any updates on the rapid rehousing program.
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@CHIdocumenters Knazze says that the city got 35m which has been used to house 1700 families.

She says that the city is working with One Chicago to make housing happen more rapidly, but that the city and city partners are having staffing issues,
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@CHIdocumenters Ald. Sigcho Lopez is talking about the issue of extreme temperature and the need for additional shelters. He asks if there is any movement on the creation of more SRO's

Knazze says that the Department will be addressing that specifically in next months meeting.
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@CHIdocumenters She says that the city is looking at several motel sites at the moment but that those are still in the planning phase.
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@CHIdocumenters Alderman Rossana Rodriquez Sanchez is up. She asks DFSS about the details of the partnership with All Chicago.

She says that her understanding is that the city is relying on private landlords, who often require employment or background checks before they will allow housing
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@CHIdocumenters Knazze says that All Chicago is the delegate agency for the city. She says that the city has monthly calls to review the work/capacity and budget.

She says that the city does utilize private landlords who can require deposit, background checks etc .
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@CHIdocumenters Ald. Martin is up. He asks about the training for call takers and the funding source longevity.

Knazze says that it is key that call takers will be trauma informed, and that once the program is stood up the city will go talk to the state to try and secure long term funding.
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@CHIdocumenters Ald. Sigcho Lopez is for round 2. He says that sometimes residents especially houseless or elderly struggle to access services due to lack of digital literacy or access.

He asks if there is any coordination program that is looking into this.
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@CHIdocumenters Knazze says that at the DFSS senior centers there are classes on digital literacy.
For youth, Knazze says that One Summer Chicago has digital literacy programming.
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@CHIdocumenters Lauren Burdette the Deputy Chief Equity Officer is up. She says that the city has recently launched the Chicago Digital Equity Council. This is an effort to expand access to digital literacy and internet enabled devices across the city.
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@CHIdocumenters With that, Ald. Matt Martin closes out the meeting as of 12:50