Return to Board of Zoning Appeals
Live reporting by Marvetta Rutherford
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Parking variances for West Side developments and new police station approved

Denise A@cleDocumenter @CleDocuDenise
#Cleveland @cledocumenters #cledocumenters @signalcleveland has assigned me to the Board of Zoning Appeals on Monday at 930am!
Until then, enjoy your weekend!

04:43 PM Feb 2, 2024 CST

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Well the people are filing in. I hope this weekend was everything for you and your family!
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Terri Brown is the acting board chairwoman
Liz Kukla is reading the preamble and the Roll Call of the meeting.
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There are only four members. The people in the agenda had the opportunity to postpone their hearings. These are the current ones
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No council members present, so they are proceeding accordingly
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The history of the property is read
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Legal standard is read. This concerns parking. This is the present condition of the lot of 3 homes
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The plan is to connect the 2 homes and make a business in the rear house
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The presenter says the owner has met with the people in the area. Of course the presenters are excited. But there is no parking for cars. They plan a kiosk for transit and bike racks
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These homes are historic.
The board asked about employees.
The presenter said the employees could park on the street or across the street.
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The presenter who is not identified, spoke to the businesses in the area and the current situation as it applies to the parking issues..
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Thursday through Saturday is the time period for the heaviest saturation.
Neighbors are being forced to park somewhere else because of the situation. Letters of objections are entered
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Landmark staff hasn't met with the project.
City planning spoke to the garage parking. Recommends approval if Landmark does
Council approved
As well the block club...
Someone spoke to permit parking
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Hours of operation and other things were discussed
People who are not identified are speaking about their own personal experiences
Chairwoman Brown suggested that the owner has parking for the employees
Continued conversation with council is suggested
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Public Transit subsidies were asked about.
Motion made with conditions was proposed by Nina Holzer
Motion passed with conditions
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Next item is
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Parties are sworn in for the second case
Arleesha Wilson did the swearing in
History is read
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We have audio issues currently
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The presenter is going over the floor plans for the project
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Discussion was had about the slides and accessibility
Rick Hawksley is in this segment, with camera open
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He is the architect of the project and based in Kent Ohio
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Slides were narrated by the architect
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This has been approved by the Landmark committee
Motion asked for and made for the appellant and the variance for the apartment that will be used long term
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Motion passed...
Next up a carport
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Parties are sworn in
In person and online
City employees are in the case
History is read
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Legal standard is asking for a variance in the rear of the structure for parking
The changes are already done.
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Landmark staff says it is coming to the commission on Thursday
It doesn't meet the approved plans
Brown asked about the current plans
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Discussion about the current situation verses what was drawn
The chairwoman suggested postponement due to actual facts. There needs to be an updated site plan
Further discussion about the new date...
The presenter said every month costs 7k
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Brown said she would be open to conditions for the project
City planning supports approval with updates to the site plans
Chris S who owns property in the area is sworn in
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He lived in the house in the rear.
He wants to see the house occupied with legitimate occupants.
Motion made with conditions by Holzer
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Motion passed with conditions
Further questions were asked
Up next.. single family home and garage attached
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Parties are sworn in
Architects etc
Brandt, Rookers and Esposito are in the process
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History is read by Kukla
Legal standard is read
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The plan is to demolish the structure there.
The Rookers are the owners of the project
Jill Brandt is the architect
Front yard setback is an issue as well
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Site plans has been submitted
City planning, Shannan Leonard gave the guidelines of acceptance for the project.
Discussion about the measurements ensued
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City planning and the presenter have different measurements
Brown suggested a postponement in order to get an agreed number
Brandt questioned the methodology
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More discussion.....
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Postponement questions are discussed dates given
Advice to meet with city planners PRIOR
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The only thing on the East side is for parking for the police departments new building
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This is the late item on the agenda. The history is read and the presenter are giving the plans for parking on the property where the police department is going to be
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Correction the last item...
Fire department access has been considered as per specs from federal agencies for safety reasons
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Much discussion and Meetings have been held plants that are vines were proposed
City planning said that they are working with the architect
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Proposed changes
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More discussion on the project
Motion made to approve
Motion passed
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Old business
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Old business is approved and the Meeting is adjourned!
Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to
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MagnificentMonday to you #Cleveland #TellYourfriend